Lenten Project
20 Feb 2021 • St John's Parish News
Between Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday (40 days/nights) we have been asked traditionally to do extra things – extra prayers, extra acts of kindness, extra effort in all sorts of ways.
During this period, we are reminded in scripture of the journey – from Creation to Salvation – of the world in which we live; but also, in which both Jew and Gentile were guided by their prophets and leaders toward the salvation offered by Our Lord Jesus Christ – exemplified by His life and teachings.
After a period of reflection and consultation, Arthur Miller proposes to offer during Lent daily readings of psalms to be given in the Lady Chapel at St John’s Church, and so that this may benefit the church life of us all I would ask you to sponsor a psalm (of your choice) and donate £1 for your psalm – which will add to the church’s coffers! Donations can be made either direct to Arthur on a Sunday at the normal service or in the church when he is doing the readings.
The list of psalm readings will be posted on the notice board at the back of church, though Arthur is happy to email a copy to you – with your choice highlighted! You can contact Arthur directly by email at: lacombrade46@outlook.com
The weekly readings will also be added to our Facebook page
Readings will take place during the ordinary opening times of the church (for private prayer) – 10am to 4pm.
The sequence of the readings will largely follow the Lectionary for this year but with some additions of some 11 psalms not shown for the Lenten days, so that all 150 can be read.
On the noticeboard there will also be some illustrative material to support the readings and some ideas for activities in which you can participate at home during Lent.
In anticipation, thank you for your support.
Arthur Miller